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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Informative Interjection

Hey enormous audience, you! (For the sake of my dignity, and so I can claim that I'm not wasting unreasonable amounts of time, I'm going to pretend I am writing to an enormous, adoring fan base. Good? Good.)

Let me just say, I started writing this blog when I was thirteen. While there are some excellent, (wunderkind-esque, some might say) young blog-crafters out there, and I have fun reading them and feeling inferior, I was flying blind when I started writing for you. I was under the impression that I had to come up with "cute", "quirky", "punchy" review titles, when that's what the book title is for, you stupid me!

While I hope I am better equipped for this now, you might have to bear with me juuuust a tad. It may be wonderful. It may . . . not be (keep your meanest opinions to yourselves, k?). I'm going to have fun, and I hope you do, too.